How much should you feed your Pitbull Puppy?
So you recently purchased your new puppy and you can’t seem to find what to feed your new fur ball. This article will help ease those uncertainties and give you a step by step to feeding your pup.
First 6-8 weeks
If you are looking to purchase your new puppy I recommend waiting till 8 weeks of age to take them home and away from their mother. The mother's milk is the best and most efficient of any feed for your pup in these crucial weeks. These are some of the most crucial times in a puppy's life that determine if the puppy is able to reach full genetic expectations. If for some reason the mother isn’t feeding the pups you can do milk replaces and should be bottle fed regularly.
Weaning/ Moving to Solid food.
Weaning your puppy from milk to solid food doesn’t happen over night, taking around three weeks. I recommend buying high quality puppy food, high in nutrition. Also check out http://www.pitbullsupply.com/product-p/mvp-puppyvitamins.htm it helps cover the essential needs that puppy food doesn’t cover. Starting around five-six weeks mix soft puppy food with milk as time passes mix less and less milk. Feeding three to four times a day, by 7-8 weeks your pup should be eating solid food.
How often to feed your pup?
Puppies should be fed from three to four times a day. It’s better to feed low amounts of feed frequently. Feeding low amounts frequently helps reduce crashing and rising of energy levels. Schedule feeding can help house training as you have the same bowel movement times to help reduce accidents in your house.
Take notice of your pup
Their isn’t an exact amount as every pup is different. You should take notice of your pup and make sure they aren’t getting too fat or skinny. You should be able to fill ribs, but not see them vividly. Ask your vet on your regular check ups to get an expert opinion on your pups weight and add or lower accordingly.
Dog Packaging
Looking at the back of the puppy chow you purchase usually has recommendations on the pups age, size and potential size. This is a guideline and doesn’t have to be followed perfectly. It just helps give you an idea on what would be the best to do.
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