Old Family Red Nose Bloodline

por Trey Clark octubre 12, 2018 1 Comentario

Old Family Red Nose Bloodline

The old family red nose line was originally brought up in Ireland from privately and closely bred lines. The selective and close breeding resulted in the trademark red coat and body features. They are distinctive in appearance and gameness of the breed resulted in being some of the smartest, and best built of all the dog breeds.

True old family reds have almost ceased to exist from outcrossing and careless breeding. Some of the most known Pitbull breeders have helped to improve this breed like menefee, wallace, Mcclintock and, lighter are a few. There trademark body colors and coat is some of the most recognized and talked about in the pitbull industry.

The old family red nose was produced by line breeding The purpose of line breeding is to display the certain trait. example; health, structure, temperament, eye or coat color. If you breed dogs to closely on a line, you tend to have problems. This problem is known as inbreeding. Line breeding is when you back cross a bitch to a great grand sire. It helps bring back old traits and refresh the gene pool. By breeding a male that displays the recessive trait with a female that also displays the recessive red color trait all the offspring will display the trademark red color. The old family excelled at this type of breeding and helped develop the wonderful breed we know today.

There is tons of old family red nose (OFRN) today. Many have improved the breed. While many have continued to outcross and waterdown the purity of the line. The more it gets watered down. The harder it will be to keep true OFRN lines alive. With each generation the OFRN changes in some cases for the better and some for the worse.

Trey Clark
Trey Clark


1 Respuesta

Dahrin Coom
Dahrin Coom

junio 27, 2021

Looking for and old contact .and very good friend from Wyoming 20 years ago she had the old family red nose sarona troubles ,Motorhead, Geronimo killing Cid Red Baron demonb angel, line dogs my friend Mary Sutherland was breeding I got a dog from her name Buddy if anyone she’ll know her contact to this date can you please inbox me by chat ..

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